La agencia Amadeus Artists de Viena realiza audiciones por internet
Comunicado de Amadeus
AMADEUS ARTISTS is holding informative online auditions to avoid COVID risks and increase the possibility for artists to present their artistic abilities in our agency.
Prepare 5 Pieces or arias of your choice. You decide with which one you want to start your audition with. We will choose a second or third piece, according to the vacancies we are currently seeking and the abilities we want to hear from you.
Organize your pianist/accompaniment in case you need one and an adequate room for your performance.
Even if you will record with your handy or PC, be sure to have a good audio configuration and a good distance between you and the microphone for us to have a better impression of your qualities. You will need a good internet connection.
Fill in the following audition request form with your desired audition date. We will contact you per Email to confirm your application..
Pay the audition fee of 40 EUR automatically by PayPal to:
You can also write us an Email to and send your transfer an:
- Amadeus Artists e.U
- ERSTE Bank
- IBAN: AT18 2011 1828 5584 2602
A confirmation of your online audition with the exact schedule will be sent to you.
There is a limited number of maximum 10 participants per audition. Subscription deadline two days prior to the audition date.

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